• Last modified 4964 days ago (Sept. 23, 2010)


september 22, 1910

At a meeting of the commissioners Tuesday evening, the Missouri & Kansas Telephone Co. will be given an opportunity to tell the commissioners the reasons, if any, why they should not move the Main street poles to the alley south of Main. It is claimed that the poles interfere with carrying out the proposed method of lighting Main street with electricity.

W.C. Rudd showed us a prize-taking red pepper last Saturday that he raised in his garden. It measured five inches long and three and one-half inches in diameter. Mr. Rudd always has a good garden regardless of whether others fail or succeed.

A chicken walked confidently up the stairway of the Case block Tuesday morning and appeared to be looking for someone in particular. Case & Son, Coburn & Forney, the dentists, and Mr. Woolheater, lawyer, all have offices up there, but there seems to be considerable division of opinion as to what the chicken could want with any of these firms. You can make you own guess—ours is that the chicken wanted a drink. The idea that he wanted a tooth pulled is too serious to start the laugh.

Errett Phillips has resigned his position at the Marion Pharmacy and will work in the Suitatorium for Roy Williams. Errett has always been chief dispenser of dandy drinks at Dr. Hereford’s during the season and has made himself very popular with all classes by his gentlemanly bearing and careful attention.

A hot air heating plant is being installed in the Wheeler building and the rooms occupied by the Red Cross Pharmacy and Bauer, Kern & Co. will be heated by the new system.

A dago laborer got drunk yesterday and gave a married daughter a beating. We understand he did it because she would not leave her husband and go back home and keep house for him as his wife had died a day or two before. He paid his fine and costs and was allowed to leave town. It is supposed that he brought his jag with him, as it is almost impossible to get joint water here now.

The county commissioners of Ford county were here Tuesday inspecting our courthouse. They are planning to build a new courthouse in their home county.

Andrew Oyer and son Ernest arrived from Dover, Oklahoma, on Saturday. They are now all safe at home again Marion.

Among those who went to Wichita Monday to take in the big Ringling circus were Misses Helen Mollohan, Marie Adkins, Bea Constant, Susie Nuss and Messrs. Earl Rogers, Louie Wakefield, Bruce Grimes, Charles Judson, Geo. Rankin, Clarence Finlay, John Edmonds, Fred Oyer, Will West, Rosse Case, Roy Myers, Clyde Loveless, Ed Hauser, Arthur Tarbet, and Al Richardson.

Last modified Sept. 23, 2010