• Last modified 4025 days ago (April 11, 2013)


april 10, 1913

The Highland Cemetery Association has hired Adam Weidenbener to look after the cemetery grounds. If there is a more faithful, conscientious workman around anyplace, name him. All right. We knew you’d have to give it up.

Mrs. Roy Williams, city clerk, was in Topeka several days ago to register the city bonds covering the paving expense on Fourth and Williams streets. The bonds, amounting to something less than $5,000, were bought by J.S. Dean.

Chas. O’Bryant, who lived here a number of years, was here the first of the week arranging for opening a Harness and Shoe Repairing Shop

The new rules at the Library are that two books may be taken out by one family. Books may be kept one week and may be renewed for the second week. Books must be returned to the Library when due and must not be transferred from one person or family to another. The person who takes a book will be held responsible for its return.

A heavy shower of rain accompanied with hail passed through Grant Township Wednesday evening of last week. Several families gathered up hail and made ice cream.

A crazy man jumped off the train at Aulne the other day, ran into a house at Aulne and crawled under a bed. The officers went over and got him and he is now in the jail awaiting word from some of his relatives who have been notified.

Last modified April 11, 2013