• Last modified 3186 days ago (July 30, 2015)


july 25, 1890

Major Bateman of California, who has been visiting his relative, Mr. Geo Harris, for a week or so, has had a remarkable career. He was one of the original John Brown company who brought their rifles to Kansas in 1855, and participated with that immortal martyr in all his struggles upon this historic ground. He slept with John Brown the last night that worthy slept in Kansas.

Chingawasa is growing in popularity and tenters are multiplying out there.

Watson & Hay, Marion’s rustling bridge builders, have been awarded the contract for three new bridges in Shawnee county. There were six contracts let and our men were successful in getting one-half of them. Marion always knocks the persimmons when she tries.

A runaway team dashed through town Monday, and on Third Street threw the driver, Mrs. Henry Schuberts, to the ground, breaking her collar bone. Dr. Hannaford treated her.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowlby have had recent and substantial token of the thoughtful kindness of friends. Some week ago they lost their cow and on the evening of the 15th, about forty of their relatives and friends called upon them at their home, loaded with good things for a social, and leading a fine milch cow which was presented to the surprised couple. Such incidents in life are very pleasant.

Last modified July 30, 2015