• Last modified 2962 days ago (March 16, 2016)


march 20, 1891

Mr. G.C. Sherman sold that cactus that has attracted so much attention, to a Newton man the other day.

Sam Freeland says he intends to run the street sprinkler again this summer.

Mr. N. Gordon planted potatoes on St. Patrick’s Day.

The Record is a friend of the ground hog, and has always stood up for him in all sorts of weather, but if he wishes to retain our friendship, he will have to come out of his hole and let up on this weather.

No register, no vote.

The office of mayor is hunting a man in Marion.

Harry Hannaford has resigned his harness job in Peabody to accept a situation in Alex Hutchison’s new harness shop in Marion. The Record is always glad when wandering Marion boys, especially good ones like Harry, come home.

Dr. J.F. Wright, the dentist, is still at the Elgin Hotel and kept busy. He has rented the front corner room upstairs in the Jex building, which he will fix up nicely for permanent quarters, where after April first, Mr. Charley Jones, an expert young dentist, can be constantly found, and where Dr Wright can be found much of the time.

Last modified March 16, 2016