• Last modified 5497 days ago (April 22, 2009)


APRIL 24, 1974

Big black ominous clouds covered the western sky Saturday evening while businessmen and residents of the valley portion of Marion attempted to protect their stores and homes from rising waters from the four and a half inches of rain that fell Saturday morning. More rain was predicted and seemed certain, but it never came, saving citizens from the ravages of destruction. Labor spent in “putting things up” had to be repeated Sunday in “bringing them down.”

Construction started Monday on the quarter million-dollar expansion at the Cooperative Grain and Supply elevator in Marion. The new addition will increase grain storage by 211,000 bushels.

Airplanes have been buzzing low over Marion County during recent days, fighting the alfalfa weevil menace. Up to six spray planes have been operating off the hard-surfaced runway at Marion Municipal Airport. Ground level spraying has also been progressing as rapidly as wet fields will permit.

Daryl Enos, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Eugene Enos of Marion, is on tour in Iowa and Nebraska this week with the McPherson College Chamber Choir.

Last modified April 22, 2009