• Last modified 1833 days ago (May 9, 2019)


City nets $9,750 grant from Kansas Historical Society

Downtown historical district the hoped-for result

Staff writer

Marion could have a designated downtown historical district in about a year after the city hires a consultant with a grant from the Kansas Historical Society.

The society announced the $9,750 grant Saturday.

“The end game is to put together a historic district so people can sell tax credits to do remodeling,” city administrator Roger Holter said.

Economic development director Randy Collett said he believes owners of Marion’s historic buildings struggle with upkeep and maintenance costs, Collett said.

The survey grant will allow the city to hire a professional consultant to study those buildings to see if they measure up to the standards.

If a historical district is designated in downtown Marion, and the district is listed on the state or national historical registers, property owners can apply for the tax credits to sell in order to raise money for restoration of their buildings, Collett said.

Holter said normally it would take a year to accomplish getting a historical district designation.

Last modified May 9, 2019