• Last modified 1253 days ago (Nov. 25, 2020)


Dickinson imposes stricter mask mandate

Marion County residents traveling to Dickinson County will need to make sure they wear a mask — or face a stiff penalty if they don’t.

County commissioners last week imposed a mask mandate complete with penalties of up to a $500 fine and up to 30 days in jail.

The order will be enforced by law enforcement.

Signs at least 8.5x10 inches reminding the public about the mandate will be posted in public places.

Up to eight people are allowed at one table in a bar or nightclub. The businesses must close by 11 p.m.

Businesses such a dentist, hair salons, tattoo parlors, and similar services, or tasks that require employees to work within six feet of each other are exempt from some distancing requirements.

Shops must limit customers visiting their stores to 50% of the capacity allowed by fire codes.

Most gatherings are limited to the lesser of 30 people or 50% of the capacity permitted under the fire code and venues that have space for more than that number must have a written plan approved by the health department.

Retail stores also are limited to 50% of the capacity permitted under the fire code.

Under its terms, anyone in the county must cover their mouth and nose with a mask or other face covering when they are:

  • Inside of or in line to enter any indoor public space.
  • Getting health care services.
  • Riding or waiting for public transportation.
  • Outdoors in public spaces and unable to maintain a six foot distance from others. “This would include parks, playgrounds, sporting events, farmers markets, sidewalks and other outdoor venues,” the mandate reads.

Businesses also must require employees, customers, visitors, members, or members of the public to wear a mask or other face covering when working in any space visited by customers or members of the public. They are also required in spaces where food is prepared or purchased and in any area where people are unable to keep at least six feet of distance.

Exceptions to the mask rule include:

  • Children 5 years or younger.
  • People with a medical or mental health condition that5 prohibits them from wearing one.
  • People who are hearing impaired or communicating with someone who is hearing impaired.
  • Persons for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to the person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines;
  • People getting a service that makes it necessary to remove the mask.
  • People eating or drinking at a restaurant or other establishment that offers food or beverage service — while they are eating or drinking — as long as they maintain a six-foot distance from others.
  • Athletes participating in organized sports activities.
  • People engaged in an activity that cannot be safely conducted while wearing a mask.
  • People engaged in a court proceeding.
  • People engaged in an activity during in which wearing a mask is prohibited by law.

Last modified Nov. 25, 2020