MEMORIES:   100 years ago

What About Gas for Marion?

Gas from the Elmdale field has reached Cottonwood Falls and Strong City and is being delivered to consumers at 25 cents per thousand. Marion Citizens will be glad to hear from the committee of the commercial club which is looking up this matter for Marion.

Surprise their Friends

A few days ago it became known that on the 9th of April, 1907, County Superintendent J.A. Ray and Miss Inez Ellis were married in Topeka, having gone to the Capital city ostensibly to attend a meeting of the reading circle of which the contracting parties are members. Since that time their regular school work has occupied their time as usual, only two intimate friends of the bride being let into the secret. The Record joins a host of friends in wishing them a long and happy life.

Marriage Licenses

Walter Mitchel, Peabody

Mae Springgate, Florence

Deutrich D. Rempel, Marion

Rena Bagenski, Marion

Peter D. Pank, Lehigh

Justina M. Knaak, Lehigh

Ira M. Kline, Tampa

Inna Hoefer, Tampa

Oral A. Frantz, Kansas City

Lillie E. Kline, Tampa

Thomas Thompson, Peabody

Mabel A. Huddle, Peabody

* * * * *

A few days ago A.L. Richardson bought the Gibson property on the north hill and took possession Thursday of last week. And that meant trouble for the local scribe, as since coming to Marion last June we had enjoyed life in that snug little home. However, we are now pleasantly situated in the cottage formerly occupied by Mr. Richardson, and are thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kleinhammer for courtesies while our home was topsy turvy.

A petition is being circulated this week, which, when it receives sufficient signatures will be presented to the city council, for a bridge across the Luta at the old sugar mill. With this improvement made an alfalfa mill is assured, as Mr. John Ehrlich will install the machinery as soon as the bridge is complete. The petition should receive your endorsement.

The Morning Star School closed last Friday with appropriate exercises. A feature of the day was the good will shown the teacher, Miss Mary Wood. The patrons of the school came in with well-filled baskets and enjoyed the noonday lunch and in other ways showed their appreciation of the good work done in the year just closed. Expressions of appreciation help all of us.

The Palms restaurant in the Bradbury building changed hands Monday, Benj. Nusz selling to Joe Roberts and his sister Mrs. Bruce Woyame. Mrs. Woyame has had considerable experience in the restaurant business. Mr. Nusz will continue the carpentry trade. The firm name of the new proprietors is Roberts & Woyame.

Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Oliver entertained the members of the M.E. choir with a delicious spread at Mrs. Ed Ekeler's Wednesday evening after rehearsal. Covers were laid for thirty-two. Everybody had a fine time and later serenaded a few friends on the hill.

Lucky Bill's tent show was well attended Monday night. Their ponies and dogs are well trained.

The Marion skating rink will have a masquerade skate soon. Date announced next week.

Jensen Brothers shipped a car load of eggs to Norwich, Conn., Wednesday.

Stanford & Billings, the drug firm that has been known in Marion for a number of years, was sold the first of the week to Marion B. Ford and Arthur Tarbet, two Marion County boys, both graduates in pharmacy and have had several years experience in their line. We wish them success.

Have you noticed the progress made by the dandelion in the lawns about the city? If your lawn is not infested with this little yellow flower you are fortunate. The only way to preserve the lawn is to cut them out and a little time each day will do it.

WT. Carr, whose preliminary hearing for the killing of O.A. Bailey, Wells Fargo Express messenger, occurred before Justice of the Peace Eby last week, was bound over to the district court without bail. The case will likely be tried at the May term.

Marion now has a candidate in the race for nomination for county treasurer. Mr. J.E. Gilbert authorizes us to place his name before the public for that position, subject to the decision of the primary election held Tuesday, August 4th next. Mr. Gilbert is an old time resident of the county and is well and favorably known, owning property in both Marion and Lincolnville. He is a man of high ideals and standing in the community and has a war record of which any man might be proud. He solicits your support at the coming primary election.
