100 years ago

NOVEMBER 3, 1904 — The air ship will be an accomplished fact before the century is many years old. A successful flight was made in one at the St. Louise Fair, one day last week. The aeronaut was able to control and guide the flight of his machine for more than forty-five minutes after the motor had broken, and over a course of more than ten miles. Thousands of people gazed in open mouthed astonishment at the wonderful sight. Verily if Darius Green will come back to earth he will find answer to his question, "Birds can fly and why can't I."

The box supper at Sunny Side school house by Miss Seigle, the teacher, was a great success. Some very beautiful boxes were displayed and sold by the experienced auctioneer, A.C. Merilatt. The boxes made an average of about $1.20 apiece. Supper being over, a handsome lamp was voted to the most popular young lass, the contestants were Ethel Jacobs and Mabel Swan. It closed with Mabel 195 votes in the lead. A mustache cup was voted to the laziest man which was voted to W.S. Strickler, Ramona, securing both prizes. The total proceeds were $51.40 which will be used to purchase new books for the school library.

Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, who live south east of town, rejoice in the arrival of a ten pound boy at their home last Saturday.

Arthur Martin and wife were the victims of a fruit "shower" surprise last Friday evening, the happy conception of Mrs. Blanchard, assisted by some eight or nine married couples. A delightful social evening was passed. Mrs. Martin rendering some choice musical selections, and the guests participating in an interesting guessing contest. All disappeared at a late hour after voting they had a good time, if they did come without asking leave.

Miss Nanie Hannaford is confined to the house with a badly swollen and infected foot, the result of blood poison from a mosquito bite.

A six o'clock dinner was given by Mrs. J.N. Rogers, last Friday evening, in honor of her husband's 64th birthday. The bountiful and elaborate supper, served in a charming manner, was thoroughly enjoyed by the company of intimate friends of the doctor, who were invited to participate in the affair. The doctor was presented with a handsome rocker as a mark of esteem and a souvenir of the happy occasional. Half of life is in pleasant memories of the past and we doubt not those present will count this event among their pleasant and happy recollections.

The "Swap Social" at the residence of J.S. Dean last Friday evening was a highly enjoyable affair, and hilarity reigned supreme when the swapping was done and the packages opened. About fifteen dollars was realized for the benefit of the C.E. Society of the Presbyterian Church.

The Dawn Club, this year, provided that two afternoons be devoted to music. The arrangement and selection are left in the hands of an efficient committee selected by the club. The first of these two afternoons occurred with Mrs. Tilson, October 13th. The following ladies did themselves great credit by the excellent manner in which they rendered their parts. Misses Clara Paddock, Clara Ainsworth, Edna Good, Louise Ehrlich, Mrs. Naomi Wheeler, and Mrs. Tilson. The committee and Mrs. Tilson received much praise upon their high class and beautiful selections. The members of the club and guests expressed thorough appreciation.

Miss Florence Saggau was the hostess at a "china shower" given to compliment Miss Mamie Robinson, by a number of her young lady friends, last Friday afternoon. Each one presented Miss Mamie with a beautiful piece of china, and with it their love and best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. After the presentations and congratulations, the girls proceeded to have a general social good time, and a crowd of girls do have a good time. The afternoon was spent in playing progressive dominoes, the first prize, a box of chocolate dominoes, was awarded to Maud Bixler. Refreshments were served in two courses. The invited guests were Misses Mamie Robinson, Angie Mansfield, Virgie Donaldson, Ethel Dean, Elizabeth Lindsay, Mary Watson, Edna Hoch, Anna Hoch, Lois Hoch, Carrie Watson, Edith Mansfield. Lizzie Bryan, Dorothy Graham, Sadie Keller, Gertrude Bown, Maud Bixler, Libbie Powers, Lucy Mollohan, Mayme Caldwell, Edna Yost, Lillian Burlingame, Vella Coble and Carrie Harrington, Finley, Ohio.

The big cheese at Loveless' store was the center of attraction Saturday. It was a big one and as good as it was big. Height, 20 inches, diameter, 30 inches, weight, 453 pounds.

(Copied by Joan Meyer from the 1904 microfilm files of the Marion Record.)
