100 years ago

Miss Ruth Miller, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.R. Miller — Mr. Miller is one of the rural mail carriers — passed away at her home on the hill last Tuesday morning, after an illness of two months, with anaemia. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon, Rev. Berkeley, of the Christina church, preaching the funeral sermon. Rev. Caughey, of the Presbyterian church, assisted in the services. The girls' chorus of the High School sang, and music was also rendered by a quartette. Miss Miller was sixteen years of age, and a member of the Junior class of the High School. School was dismissed in the afternoon in respect to her memory and to permit the students to attend the funeral. The sorrowing ones have the sympathy of the community in this great bereavement.

Mrs. G.W. Zellers, who lives three miles south of town, entertained Friday evening at a birthday supper in honor of her son, Corwin. The following young people attend from town: Misses Lucy Mollohan, Edna Yost, Vinnie Wible, ViOla Yost, Nettie Williams and Helen Mollohan, and Messrs Ralph Bryan, Otto Schmersey and Joe Hosea.

The improvements which have been going on at the Methodist church for the last four weeks were completed this week. The floor was raised eighteen inches in front and three feet in the back, and the lecture room floor raised three feet to a level. The outside double door on the south was closed and a large stained glass window will be put in there. The single door to the lecture room was put in on the west. The church was re-papered throughout.

Mrs. George Loveless gave a birthday supper for her son, Frank, on Monday evening from 6 to 9 o'clock. Fifteen boys were present. Misses Clara Ainsworth and Jennie Crist assisted Mrs. Loveless.

The Girls' basketball team from the Chapman High School will be here next Monday to play a game with the girls of the Marion High School. The game will be played on the school grounds Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hauser are the parents of a girl, born Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Quisenberry have been moving into the residence recently purchased from Dr. N.M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laubhan will occupy the Dr. Hannaford house.

Miss Leah Bates has had quite serious trouble with one of her ankles and recently was compelled to undergo a second operation, at Kansas City.

Miss Allen, of the Millinery department of the Thompson Dry Goods Company, left last Friday for St. Louis.

The Presbyterians have postponed the Rose Cake Social at Mrs. Hannaford's until after Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. John Klingenberg, from Hilltop, Kansas, recently moved to Marion. Mrs. Klingenberg is a sister of Mr. P.P. Nikkel.

Mrs. C.W. Thompson, Mrs. C.C. Jones and Mrs. W.G. Jolly are entertaining a number of their lady friends this afternoon.

Miss Katie Lewelling has come to town and is staying with her sister, Mrs. Nicholas Schlingloff.

Miss Eulah Marner is working in Stanford & Billings drug store during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collett were over from Elk last Monday.

The finder of a baby's white mitten, lost in or near Marion last Monday, will please leave same at this office.

From the Lost Springs items — It would do you good to go through the Hardware & Implement House of J.E. Evans & Co., and see the beautiful buggies and carriages. He has build quite an addition and now they are crowded for room.
