100 years ago

Probate Judge Vaughn has issued during the past year one hundred and sixty-five marriage licenses. Last year he issued two hundred. Why this thusness? Times are prosperous and Cupid should have made a better record the past year.

The M.W.A. elected the following officers for the year 1907: W.Z. Moore, Venerable Consul; N.S. Schlingloff, Clerk; M.R. Sumner, Worthy Adviser; D.W. Wheeler, Banker; Carl E. Carlson, Escort; Dr. R.C. Smith, Physician; A.L. Richardson, Manager; F.L. Morse, Watchman; Lawrence Riggs, Sentry.

Mr. Eli Good returned last week from a trip to the Pecos Valley, N. Mexico. He was favorably impressed with the country, and says the Marion county people who went down there to live are getting along well.

Prof. St. John, Supt. of the Florence schools, has been elected Supt. at Burlington. The Burlington principal goes to Abilene to take Prof. Hall's place.

Mr. Sam Kleinhammer is building up quite a sale for the Detachable Branding Iron of which he is the inventor and manufacturer. It seems to "fill a long felt want,"

and is highly commended.

The Antelope schools are closed on account of sickness.

Mrs. M.L. Mowry, of Denver, Colorado, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Rogers. She will remain for the holidays and Mr. Mowry will join her here Sunday.

Loser of two large napkins with initials in the corner, lost in front of Mr. Paul Jones' residence Tuesday evening, can get them by calling at the residence.

Marriage Licenses

William Bredemeier, Antelope

Rosa Fluler, Elmdale

Jacob G. Jantzen, Fairview, Okla.

Margaretha Barg, Hillsboro

Joseph Barnett, Durham

Grace Jackson, Galva

Harrison D. Metz, Herington

Edith B. Davis, Herington

Peter C. Hiebert, Hillsboro

Lena Nikkel, Hillsboro

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The Presbyterian choir has arranged to render some fine Christmas music next Sunday. Special selections at both services.

Mrs. Josiah Good gave a party Saturday afternoon for her son, Ronald. The members of his class at school were the guests.

Miss Inza Rhodes entertained the members of the 7th and 8th grades of the Valley school at her home one evening last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Loveless, of Antelope, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hereford Friday and Saturday.

A pleasant surprise was given to Miss Louise Ehrlich, the leader of the German Baptist choir last Friday evening, in honor of her birthday. The choir met at the pastor's house for their regular practice, at the close of which Miss Louise was detained, while the young folks quietly gathered at her home and awaited her arrival, when they surprised her. Mr. Solomon Socolofsky, spokesman for the choir, with a few well chosen words presented her with a handsome gift, as a token of appreciation for her diligent work. The evening was spent in various games, after which refreshments were served, and the party dispersed at a late hour.

From the Gale and Wilson news:

The Hett Bros. shelled corn for Wm. Turner this week. Dan Kreutziger shelled for John Siebert and Goertz & Goentzel for Alex. Ehrlich.

Eighteen of the young people of the neighborhood enjoyed themselves at a party at Leo Young's last Saturday evening. They enjoyed themselves pulling taffy and departed at a late hour, saying they had had a nice time.

S.E. Richardson is building a blacksmith shop.

An entertainment will be given at the Dobbs school house by the school next Friday evening, Dec. 21st.

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If you are behind on your subscription to this paper it's a mighty good time right now to get square. How is this office going to get square with the people it owes unless you settle up? Friends, that is the question — at this office.
