100 years ago

june 7, 1906

Record-breaking Flood

Marion has been having the worst flood this week in the history of the town. The water was from twelve to fifteen inches above the highest previous water mark. The overflow was caused by what was practically a cloud-burst last Wednesday evening. Water began falling about half past six and between that time and half past eleven at least six inches of water fell. And this heavy downpour extended to the north, along the Cottonwood, Clear Creek and Mud Creek. The streams overflowed about three or four o'clock Thursday morning and the highest point was reached about ten o'clock. By twelve o'clock Thursday night the water was out of most of the buildings on Main street. We shall not attempt to recount individual losses. The damage, in town and country, was of course extensive. Most of the merchants succeeded in getting their goods above reach of the water.

The RECORD office enjoyed the common experience, and our readers will no doubt over-look the delay in issuing this week's paper.

Serious Fire

A serious fire occurred yesterday noon in the Jex block, burning out Clem Cherrington's feed store almost entirely and doing quite a little injury to part of Ferd Funk's furniture stock which was in the room back of the feed store. No damage was done in Funk's main room nor in the rooms above the feed store. The fire started just at noon, and its origin is unknown. There was a lot of baled hay in the rear end of the feed store and the fire seems to have started there. If the fire had not been put out very quickly after discovered the whole building would have gone and as there was a strong wind at the time, the loss would in all probability have been much more extensive. Mr. Funk's loss was only from the water. Mr. Cherrington carried no insurance. He will go out of the feed business. The fire company did splendid work and deserves highest commendation.

Freeland Bros., who sold their livery barn and business last week to Currence & McBride, expect to erect a large veterinary hospital, on the corner just south of Ed Freeland's residence. Work on the building will be begun at once. The building will be 50x100 feet, two stories. The second floor will be used as a laboratory for the preparation of Freeland's Stock remedies, and the lower floor fitted up in the most modern style for a veterinary hospital. The members of the firm are successful veterinarians of long experience and their stock remedies are gaining a wide sale. This new project is a good thing for the town, and under such skilled and accommodating management is sure to be a great success.

If you want to see a marvel, come into the RECORD office and look at the stalk of California wild oats which W.W. Loveless received from a friend in California. It is eight feet high and there were eighty-four such stalks growing from the one seed from which the stalk was taken.

Mr. Rudolph Skibbe's horse became frightened on Main Street last Monday and caused quite a severe smash up. Mr. Skibbe was thrown out and the buggy ran over him but he said he was not severely hurt.

Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Bryan and Albert Richardson, which is to take place Tuesday evening, June 19th, at 8 o'clock.

Miss Blanche Kelley organized a new chorus and music class at Tampa and one at Lincolnville recently.

The German Baptist church had a very successful Pentecostal meeting last Sunday and Monday. Several prominent ministers participated in the services and a large number of people from out of town attended. Special music was furnished by the German Baptist choir and Miss Louise Ehrlich sang a solo. The services will continue each evening during the week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Good Monday, June 4th, a son.

Claims Women Run the Country

Dr. Emil Reich, a descendant of Abraham, has been visiting this country and taking notes. He has gone back to England to lecture on America. He came to the conclusion that the women were running this country and that they were likely to continue to run it possibly to final destruction.

There is no doubt that Doc is partly correct; the women have a good deal to do with running the country and the chances are that they will continue to have a good deal to do with running it in the future, but there does not seem to be any particular occasion to get scared yet.

However, if women take the management of things into their own hands it is largely the fault of the men. In all of our high schools there are about twice as many girls graduating as boys. This has been going on for years. Suppose it continues. The women will be the educated class and as a consequence will take possession of the places that need to be filled with educated people. Let this thing continue long enough and men will be simply a beast of burden so to speak while the women will fill the places of responsibility and good pay. — Mail and Breeze.

Dr. Werthner, who has been having a hard siege with pneumonia, is much improved and is able to be out this week.
