10 years ago

The city of Florence was dealt a devastating blow early Sunday when fire swept through Florence Hardware at 101 E. Fifth Street. The fire not only destroyed the business but also left a huge void in the downtown business district of the community.

The birthdays of Roger (Bud) Hannaford and Mary Exline were celebrated Jan. 11 at the Robert Exline home in Salina.

No seats remain for the Marion Chamber of Commerce annual meeting Monday when Gov. Bill Graves will be the guest speaker. The banquet will be held in Our Savior Lutheran Church parish hall with the reception starting at 6:30 p.m.

Nancy Pihl is the new family and consumer science agent in the Marion County Extension Office. When not working Pihl enjoys spending time with her 10-year-old son Michael. They live in Hillsboro.

Elsie Bork, who taught business, commercial, and typing courses at Marion High School in the early 1940s, has left more than a million dollars to Emporia State University and made huge bequests to other beneficiaries.

Centre High School 1998 winter homecoming royalty are Sandy Mille, daughter of Ron and MaryAnn Mille of Lincolnville and Fred Silhan, son of Terry and Kathy Silhan of Pilsen.

Ron and Tami Wineinger of Apex, N.C., are the proud parents of a son, Andrew Jessie, born Jan. 7. Andrew weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces and has a sister, Elizabeth Anne, who will be three in February. Earl and Mary Lee Wineinger of Marion are grandparents of the children.

Ice crystals on a branch are a familiar sight this month in Marion County. Bright sunshine and warm temperatures on Saturday raised hopes for milder weather but gray skies rolled in to bring snow and sleet on Sunday.
