10 years ago

JULY 27, 1994

Unless there are unexpected last-minute postponements, Marion Pizza Hut will open for business Monday. The restaurant will be open for business at 11 a.m. seven days a week. Closing hours will probably be 10 p.m. or later.

Junior and Lucille Bredemeier of Marion have donated a special flag to be flown in Central Park. Congressman Shriver had the flag flown for the Bredemeiers and then presented it to them, along with a certificate of authenticity. The flag was flown over the Capitol on Sept. 29, 1976, (the Bicentennial Year) while they were visiting their daughter, Shirley, who was in the Army stationed at Walter Reed Hospital at the time.

Work is nearly complete on a new elevator to serve at Marion High School. The elevator is being constructed to bring the school into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which mandates public places be accessible to physically handicapped people.

Construction on the Main/Cedar intersection is nearly complete. City co-foreman Merle Bruner told the city commission that blacktop at the intersection will be in place Thursday or Friday, weather permitting.

Linda Fellhoelter and Kurt Spachek were united in marriage June 11 at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Wichita.

Members of the Marion High School graduating class of 1989 have tentatively scheduled a five-year reunion during the Old Settlers' Day weekend in September. Dave and Jackie Crofoot will host the class at a social hour at their home Sept. 23. Other plans will be announced later.

About a quarter-acre of wild marijuana will be treated with herbicides, the Marion County Sheriff's Department reports. Sheriff Edward Davies inspected the site Tuesday to confirm a citizen report of the patch. The county noxious week department will kill the plants. Anyone who sees what they suspect is even one marijuana plant should report it to the Sheriff's office.
