25 years ago

An ice storm Thursday night left travel through Marion County at a virtual standstill, but the only accidents reported to police were minor mishaps.

Marion may be a cow town, but residents are getting tired of having it spread around — the byproducts of bovine species that is. Trucks loaded with live cattle pass through Marion daily from west to east, headed for slaughter plants at Emporia. After the trucks pass though town, Main Street is paved a gold color — the path continues east and out-of-town to U.S. 56 and its junction with U.S.-77. Marion city police are asking truckers to keep their trailers clean and to drive with due caution.

Capt. David R. Montgomery, USN, son of Dave Montgomery of Marion, recently received the Meritorious Service Medal in recognition of his command of the USS George Washington Carver nuclear submarine during "six complex and demanding" operations "of great importance to the United States." The citation points to Capt. Montgomery's superior record of performance achieved by the submarine crew under his command from May 1978 to August 1981. Montgomery now commands a submarine refitting and training group on Sardinia in the Mediterranean.

Dr. Joseph Galichia of Wichita, widely known heart specialist, will be the speaker Monday at a meeting of the women's club of Marion. The joint meeting will be held in the conference room at St. Luke medical Clinic. Galichia was the first physician in Kansas to perform balloon dilation in the arteries of the heart.

Touch-Tone telephones — the phones with push buttons instead of rotary dials — are now available in Marion, according to Bill Bryant, Southwestern Bell's manager for Marion.

Sheriff June Jost is pictured as he presents chief dispatcher Sterling "Squeak" Frame with a badge honoring him for 24 years of service in the sheriff's department.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bina of rural Marion announce the engagement of their daughter, Julie Kay, to Russell Len Kerbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kerbs of Tampa. The couple plans to be married Sept. 11.

Students from Marion who are on the scholastic honor roll for the fall semester at Kansas State University include Molly Ferrell Smith, Timothy Mark Holub, Theresa A. Kroupa, and Ronald P. Wineinger.
