50 years ago

august 11, 1955

Long a dream, the ambition to own a Jaguar has finally become fulfilled for one of Marion's most avid motor fans. Henry Holub took delivery of the new auto at the Port of Houston last week after the car had been shipped from England where it was manufactured.

Slusser Drilling Company this week started drilling on a "semi wildcat" oil test west of Lincolnville. They have the lease and the location is on the Ralph Novak land.

All contributions to the Dodge City Cowboy Capital fund may be left at any newspaper office in the county. Earl Fickertt, Marion County chairman, asks that these contributions be made this week so they can be sent to headquarters and receipts and official Cowboy Capital pins issued to donors.

Invitations are out for the marriage of Jane Hoisington, Parsons, to Donald Hayen, Marion. The wedding will be August 28 at Parsons.

Miss Lenore Wheeler was not present at the Kaw Monday night when her name was called. Next week the jackpot will be $105.

Mrs. Roger Morse took a group of young folks to Hillsboro for a swimming party last Thursday. Afterward they went to the Morse home where they enjoyed a picnic supper in the yard. Present were Charlotte and Helen Langley, Judy Richards, Mary Melton, Johnnie Hoover, Dick and Jean Morse.

Weddings reported in this week's issue included those of Ilene Dondlinger and Robert Reinke, August 4; Marilyn Hayen and Robert Geis, July 31; Mary Lynn Hein and Homer Mohn, August 4; and Janice Meisner and David Carlson, July 24.
