60 years ago

The Marion Community Athletic Association, Inc., at their meeting Thursday night, accepted the offer made by the Cottonwood Valley Saddle Horse Association for a free 10-year lease on the north end of their grounds and will install the proper lighting for a baseball diamond to be used for both hard- and softball.

L.L. Cherry, 46, a grocer in Peabody for 15 years, and daughter Irene, 18, both of Abilene, were instantly killed Dec. 16 when their 1942 Packard sedan was struck by a fast Santa Fe train on a crossing at the Townsend ranch one mile north and three east of Peabody. The deaths bring the toll on Marion County highways to 14 during 1946.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knackstedt purchased the Tate Bros. Wallpaper and Paint Store on Main Street in a deal completed Tuesday, and took immediate possession.

The Ecker-Fulkerson-Slifer Post of the VFW has made arrangement to rent the room in the Wheeler building under the AAA office for a club room and lounge. It is hope it will be ready for occupancy within a month. The room is to be redecorated and furniture installed.

Pupils of Bown-Corby School present a most entertaining program to mothers and friends Dec. 17 in the school gymnasium. The following program was presented: piano solos, Karen Brodhead, Jeannine Williamson, Ginger Price, Marilyn Reh, Janet Holub and Patricia Kruse; reading and song, second grade; "The Night Before Christmas," third grade; and a pageant, "The Christmas Story," entire school. Teachers Miss Mildred Pray, Miss Janice Dummermuth and Miss Ruth Jo Willming, supervised the program.

Members of the Sunday school class of 7th and 8th graders of the Methodist church, with Mrs. Ira Newcomer as teacher, had a Christmas party Friday evening in the basement of the church. Those present were Ernestine Good, Sarabel Wolf, Juanita Ford, Patsy McCarty, Ilene Hansen, Marjie Robertson, Marie and Vera Johnson, Milly Lou Matthews, Peggy Weibert, Jessie Jewett, Cora McCarty and patsy Rittel.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil M. Wiebe had as dinner guests Tuesday evening, Boy Scout patrol leaders Forest Kelsey, Robert Reinke, Leslie Powell Jr., Don Van Buren, Earl Grimes, Bud Hannaford and assistant scout master, Homer Stiller and Mrs. Stiller.
