LETTERS:   Be responsible years ago

To the Editor:

I have a large dog I walk twice a day, and I believe I am a responsible pet owner.

When my dog poops, I scoop. I always have. It's a simple thing to do. I carry a plastic bag and spoon. It takes less than 15 seconds.

I always have been appalled at how many people don't scoop. They leave messes on people's lawns, in the street, and along sidewalks. Disgusting!

The reason I'm writing to the editor is that some dog owners have gone too far. I walk by the elementary school every day and as unbelievable as it is . . . people actually walk off and leave their dog's mess right on the pathway that children walk on to get to their cars before and after school.

People, please, give the kids a break. Can you imagine a first grader (or any grade) going to school with dog poop on their shoes? It should happen to the dog owner, just once.

As far as I'm concerned, it's just plain bad manners, and totally irresponsible not to scoop.

Give the kids a break. Either start scooping or take another route.

Vicki Jackson and Dakota

