

Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4397

There will be a community baby shower for Tory and John Jost of St. Mary's at 2 p.m. Sunday at Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Everyone is invited.

Dean Forsberg was a Tuesday morning visitor of Evelyn Forsberg.

Clint and Diana Jost went to Mapleton March 10 for a family gathering and dinner in honor of Kendale and Nancy Lalman and their four children. They are missionaries who are getting ready to return to China. Before returning home, the Josts visited Lorene Jost at Presbyterian Manor in Newton.

Evelyn Forsberg visited Mary Jane Randall at Council Grove Friday afternoon. She also visited with Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan. Wade came home with Evelyn and will spend a few days with her.

Charles and Darlene Gutsch were in McPherson Thursday.

Dean and Nanette Forsberg and Ethan were Thursday afternoon visitors of Evelyn Forsberg.

Burdick Senior Citizens met at noon March 16 for a potluck dinner at the Legion hall. There were 16 in attendance. A short business meeting was held and the minutes of the last meeting were read. Tentative plans for the April 20 meeting will be a meal at noon and a program.

Eric Peterson of Emporia spent Monday afternoon with Mary Deane Peterson and was a supper guest before returning to school.

Mary Deane Peterson was a Thursday evening supper guest of Marvin and Shelley Peterson and Josie of Lincolnville and Scott Peterson of El Dorado at the Mexican restaurant at Hillsboro.

Harry Schump of Herington and Wade Rickenbrode were Sunday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg.

Perry Gutsch of Herington was a Saturday afternoon visitor of Charles and Darlene Gutsch.

Darrell and Candice Denault of Salina and Darrell's grandson, Jarrod Denault of Olathe were Sunday afternoon visitors of Neva Peterson. They all enjoyed a late afternoon lunch. Late in the afternoon, the Denaults and grandson went to Topeka to meet Jarrod's father so he could return to his home at Olathe.

Keep Carol Dutton of Manhattan, sister of Marilyn Hageberg, in your prayers. She is recovering from a viral infection in her lungs at Mercy Hospital, Manhattan.

Earl and Lois Peterson visited Don and Joyce Kimble at Herington Sunday afternoon.

Forrest and Marie Anderson visited with Maurine and LaVern Johnson one day this week at Lindsborg.

Visitors of Mary Deane Peterson Saturday were Ron Schrader, Shea and Hunter of Wichita, Marvin Peterson of Lincolnville, and Burdette and Maureen Peterson.

Forrest and Marie Anderson were in Manhattan Thursday helping Erin Korte celebrate her birthday. Gary and Karen Korte of Emporia also were there.

Bill and Judy Peterson of Herington, Marvin Peterson of Lincolnville, Mary Deane Peterson, Dave and Sara Denly, Ben and Abby of Winfield, and Scott Peterson of El Dorado met Sunday at El Dorado and enjoyed a late lunch together. Judy Peterson returned home with the Denlys for a longer visit.
