CORRESPONDENTS:   Burdick years ago


Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4397

Bruce and Alona Hedstrom attended a Lost Springs High School 50th class reunion Saturday at Centre Elementary School, (former Lost Springs High School). Others attending were David and Virginia Bernhardt of McPherson, Elaine (Bevan) Wyatt of Hillsboro, Leroy and Mary Louise (Hodson) Pritchard and Paul and Nadine (Schild) James of Emporia, and Janice (Lueker) Evans of Newton.

Dean Forsberg and Savannah were Monday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg.

Burdick Senior Citizens met at noon June 20 at the Legion hall. A lunch was provided. Attending were Nancy Hanson, Marie and Forrest Anderson, Lois Peterson, Roger Peterson, Rolland Peterson, Lee and Elinor Remy, Walt and Katherine Otte, Leona Otte, Elmer Otte, and Darlene Gutsch. A business meeting was held after lunch with secretary and treasurer's reports. A Council of Clubs report was given and president Nancy Hanson appointed Walt and Katherine Otte to the committee for a float for the Labor Day parade. There will not be any meetings in July or August. Tentative plans for the next meeting are Sept. 19 at the Legion hall.

Harry Schump of Herington and Dean Forsberg were Tuesday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg. Linea Barlow was a Tuesday evening visitor.

Ruby Peterson of Carl Junction, Mo., spent from Friday afternoon through Monday with Mary Deane Peterson and other relatives.

Bruce and Alona Hedstrom and Bill and Dorothy Broce met with their Hawaiian trip friends at Wichita June 18. They all had an enjoyable evening and shared photographs they had taken.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson of Springfield, Mo., called on Mary Deane Peterson and her houseguest, Ruby Peterson Friday afternoon.

Shirley Miller and Lee Shade had lunch with Goldie Steeley Thursday noon at the Sterling House at Salina.

Neva Joyce Fischer of Wichita was a Friday afternoon caller of Darlene Gutsch. She also visited relatives at Herington and was going to visit Gary and Marilyn Hageberg on her way home.

Ruby Peterson entertained at Al's Café at Lost Springs Saturday evening. Guests were Keith and Diane Miller of Grand Junction, Colo., Lois Peterson, Ruth Riggin, and Mary Deane Peterson.

Irvin and Muriel Christiansen of Durham visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Lee and Elinor Remy.

Forrest and Marie Anderson attended the wedding of Ryan Albrecht and Tara Brockmeier June 21 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Herington.

Jane Rickenbrode and Morgan of Council Grove and Evelyn Forsberg visited Harry Schump Saturday evening at Herington. Harry was a Friday afternoon and evening visitor of Evelyn.

Sunday noon dinner guests of Mary Deane Peterson and her houseguest, Ruby Peterson were Burdette and Maureen Peterson.

Dean and Nanette Forsberg hosted a dinner Sunday at their home in honor of Sabrina Dunkin's birthday. Others attending were Logan and Konnor Dunkin of Rose Hill, Joe Forsberg of Salina, Savannah Forsberg, Willy Hicks, Nancy Hickman, Jane Rickenbrode and Morgan, Harry Schump, and Evelyn Forsberg.

John and Tory Jost and Collin of St. Mary's spent the weekend with Clint and Diana Jost.

Mary Deane Peterson and Ruby Peterson were Sunday evening supper guests of Bill and Judy Peterson at Herington.

Many from the area attended memorial services Saturday for Oliver Peterson at Hebron Lutheran Church and the lunch following.

There was a farewell potluck dinner for Pastor Rick and Khrista Branson Sunday at Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall. His new charge is at Ashland.

Visitors of Darlene Gutsch this week were Marilyn Hageberg Monday morning and Shelby and Justin Deines Wednesday afternoon.
