Burdick: Birthday open house planned for Harvey Hawkinson


Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4397

Nov. 8-14

Come wish Harvey Hawkinson a happy 90th birthday at an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at Golden Age activity room. You also may send cards to Harvey Hawkinson, Golden Age Home, Apt. 35, 201 East Helen Street, Herington 67449.

Flu shots will be given Monday at Burdick American Legion Building by Morris County Health Department.

Charles Gutsch attended the Veterans Day program Friday at Centre Elementary School. A patriotic program conducted by Lynley Remy included kindergarten, CHS choir, "Taps" by Kenny Roe and Bryant Gutsch, group singing, and recognition of Armed Forces veterans. Refreshments were served.

Burdette Peterson was a Tuesday evening supper guest of Wendell and Mary Deane Peterson.

Earl and Lois Peterson visited Sunday afternoon with Harry Kasitz at Newton.

Gary and Marilyn Hageberg went Friday evening to Topeka to attend a birthday celebration of the Marine Corps. Phillip Hageberg, a sophomore at Topeka High School, participated in the program. Phillip is a member of ROTC. Sam Brownbeck was guest speaker. Gary and Marilyn were guests of Theresa Hageberg and Phillip. They returned home Saturday night.

Logan Dunkin of Herington spent Tuesday with Evelyn Forsberg. Marcus and Sabrina Dunkin came late Tuesday afternoon to get him.

Harry Schump of Herington and Dean Forsberg were Tuesday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg.

Corlberg-Smith #147 American Legion Auxiliary will send cookies to Topeka Veterans Hospital this year. Members and others may take cookies until Tuesday to Burdick Oil Co. Cookies will be used for various social events at the hospital.

Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan of Council Grove were Wednesday evening visitors of Evelyn Forsberg.

Perry Gutsch and Whitney of Herington visited Saturday with Charles and Darlene Gutsch at the pancake feed. Whitney stayed with her grandparents until noon. Shelby and Justin Deines of Ramona also came to help. Charles Gutsch took them home in the afternoon.

Joe Forsberg of Salina was a Thursday evening visitor of Evelyn Forsberg.

Diamond Valley High School class of 1958 met Saturday night to wish Wayne and Shirley Knuth a good retirement before they move to south Texas later this month. All four class members and spouses enjoyed dinner at Emporia. Present were Wayne and Shirley Knuth, Nadine (Schild) and Paul James, Mary Louise (Hodson) and Leroy Prichard of Emporia, and Bruce and Alona Hedstrom.

Harry Schump of Herington and Wade Rickenbrode of Council Grove were Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Evelyn Forsberg. Mike and Jane Rickenbrode and Morgan came Sunday evening to visit with Evelyn and to get Wade.

Chelsea Cowart of Herington and Maurine Peterson were Friday afternoon callers of Wendell and Mary Deane Peterson. They took down scarecrows for Grandpa and Grandma.

Charles Gutsch accompanied Bruce Hedstrom and Galen Peterson Nov. 7 to a meeting for degree work at Masonic Lodge #112 at Emporia. Don Anderson of Emporia is the master of the lodge.

Scott and Josie Peterson of Lincolnville were Friday supper guests of Wendell and Mary Deane Peterson.
