Centre board authorizes higher mill levy

Brunner/Kassebaum head new board


Staff writer

Centre USD 397 board of education, at its July meeting, authorized preparation of the 2007-08 budget based on the required 20 mills for the general fund plus four mills for capital outlay, a maximum of 16 mills for the supplemental general fund, and a maximum of four mills for bond and interest.

The figures represent a total maximum mill levy of 44 compared to 43.149 in 2006-07.

Because of budget cuts authorized several months ago, the board was able to limit the increase in taxes despite a projected decrease in district valuations and the hiring of a second administrator.

The budget sets limits on spending but does not dictate the actual dollars spent. A public hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 13, prior to the regular board meeting, to hear any objections from patrons.

Steve Jirak and Terry Deines joined the board for the first time since their elections in April. Jesse Brunner was elected, 5-2, as president and Jennifer Kassebaum, 4-3, as vice president.

The following assignments were made: Brent Methvin, Marion County Special Education Cooperative; Jennifer Kassebaum, TEEN; Julie Klenda, governmental relations; and Steve Jirak, Centre Summer Ball Association.

The board conducted numerous routine items of business relative to the new school year. The Herington Times was designated the official newspaper. The mileage reimbursement rate was increased from 43 cents to 47 cents per mile. Adult lunch prices were raised from $2.71 to $2.75 per meal.

John Klenda was appointed school attorney and Jeanne Rziha school nurse.

After 25 minutes in executive session with superintendent Jerri Kemble and high school principal Nadine Smith to discuss personnel, the board approved Martin Combs' continued employment as assistant high school custodian contingent on his maintaining certification for water systems operator and waste water manager. If he meets qualifications, he will be granted a pay increase of 2.75 percent.

In other actions, the board:

— approved undergraduate hours completed by Brianna Methvin to receive re-certification as a preschool teacher, resulting in a step up on the salary schedule.

— accepted the resignation of Margie Klenda as assistant cook at Centre Elementary School, effective June 30.

— approved the attendance of foreign exchange student, Bermet Jumakadyrkyzy of Kyrgyzstan. She will live with Jerry and Jeanne Rziha.
