CIS promote Family Day

Communities in Schools of Marion County Inc., and local Pizza Hut restaurants are teaming up Monday to promote Family Day.

Those who don't know better might assume that here in the rural heartland of America, families eat frequent meals together. But, dinner at six with smiling faces, a nice pot roast and vegetables, and relaxed conversation about the events of the day is no longer typical in America's households.

"Family Day — A Day to Eat Dinner With Your Children," is a national effort to promote parental engagement as a simple, effective way to reduce substance abuse by children and teens and raise healthier children.

Family Day emphasizes the importance of regular family activities in parent-child communications and encourages Americans to make family dinners a regular feature of their lives.

Family time around the dinner table is more than just recreating a ritual from Grandma's era. There are proven benefits backed up by science. Since 1996, research by The National Center on Addition and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University has consistently found that the more often children eat dinner with their families, the less likely they are to smoke, drink, or use illegal drugs.

Several Marion County schools and agencies are planning Family Day events. To make it easier for busy families, CIS of Marion County has partnered with Pizza Hut to provide a special family value meal with the coupon below.
