Economic development is more than industry


Marion economic dev. director

Everyone is talking about economic development. It is the new buzz word of the decade. So what is economic development? It is a process of developing and maintaining suitable economic, social, and political environments, in which balanced growth may be realized, increasing the wealth of the community.

How can you measure the increase in wealth of a community? Some people define wealth solely in financial terms; however, wealth can mean creation of jobs, an expanded tax base, or an improved quality of life.

Everyone would agree that putting businesses in the industrial park is economic development. But the list doesn't stop there. Economic development also consists of supporting local businesses, building new homes, supporting agriculture (especially in our rural area), developing a new community child-care center, expanding existing businesses, remodeling homes, referring people to businesses in our community, and improving our school system through the new building project. We all are capable of assisting with the process of developing our economy.

There was an article in the Feb. 1 issue of the Wall Street Journal that showed how a small town in Arkansas was able to persuade an affiliate of Toyota Motor Company to locate a new plant in their town to produce car air-conditioning and heating systems. One of the primary reasons for their decision to locate in this town of 9,000 people was because of their efforts to improve local education. They "saw that the linkage between industry and education was very, very strong." They also "got the strong feeling that education was being integrated with industry."

If we want to attract younger families to our community, we need to concentrate on what we have to offer them. Rural areas, in particular, know that good schools are an amenity for prospective employers and workers who might move families to the area.

The proposed building project for USD 408 is one way we can improve our quality of life and therefore develop our economy in the very near future. You will have the opportunity to determine whether or not this is a vital possibility April 4. You will have the opportunity to say YES to some positive changes, YES to some obvious, necessary improvements, YES to economic development, and YES to USD 408.

I hear so often how Marion is stagnant and not doing anything to improve the community. Unfortunately, those people must not be seeing the same proactive movements I see in Marion every day. Marion adopted the slogan "Best Place I've Seen" several years ago. Let's make Marion the best place we've seen to live, learn, work, visit, play, and retire.

Wayne Gretzky once said "you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take." Let's not take the chance of missing any more opportunities in Marion. Let's grab the bull by the horns, start taking chances, and see what really can be accomplished in this wonderful place we all call home! It's time we start living the life we've imagined. I'm ready! Are you?
