Guest Editorial: Keep the public informed

As a longtime advocate of Open Records, Open Meetings, and Open Government, your former editor is concerned about House Bill 2118, a bill which would close the records of those granted permits to carry concealed weapons. Those permits should be open public records.

Also, Kansans should have the opportunity to study this public policy issue. It was shoved through the Legislature without the people given the opportunity to participate. That alone would be reason for Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, an advocate of Open Government, to veto it.

There are many reasons why the public should have an opportunity to hear legislative discussion on this matter, which was pushed through without being heard in a single committee of the House or Senate. As a former Legislative Chairman for Kansas Press Association your OE recalls that bills must be discussed in committee open sessions.

It's the Kansas Way of Open Government. Let's hope the governor will agree by vetoing this bill and sending it back for open discussion.

The public has a right to hear as well as be heard.

— BILL MEYER, president, Hoch Publishing Co. Inc.
