Let's hear from you!

In this week's edition of the Marion County Record, there is a story and graphs regarding the comparison of personal and real property taxes of Marion County with other counties and cities.

This news article was done with "tongue in cheek" because readers should be reminded that there are no free lunches. In other words, in order to enjoy improved streets, upgraded utilities, and to operate as an efficient city or county, tax dollars have to be collected.

The questions taxpayers should ask themselves are "Am I getting what I'm paying for?" "Are these taxes worth it?"

The cost of operating a county or city has to be spread among taxpayers. If there are more parcels and taxpayers, the cost may be less, depending on the mill levy which is used to make necessary improvements.

Operating a city or county is not cheap. The cost to merely maintain the status quo is expensive and then if a taxing entity wants to make improvements, that mill levy goes up, thus making taxes increase.

Some Marion County residents contribute to Marion County Hospital District #1, watersheds, a drainage board, cemeteries, libraries, and/or fire districts. All contribute to school districts.

So, it's not a real apples to apples comparison but does give us an idea of where we are compared with other counties.

Are our taxes too high? If they were lower, could it attract more people which, theoretically, could possibly lower the amount of taxes we pay?

We want to hear from you. What do you think about Marion County taxes?

