Lost Springs


Lost Springs correspondent

(785) 965-7169

Memorial Day services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at Lost Springs Cemetery. Dollye Novak, chaplain of the Lost Springs American Legion Auxiliary is in charge of the services. Hallie Novak will place poppy wreaths and Bob Bevan, flags, on veterans' graves at the cemetery Monday morning.

My granddaughter, Sonja Strecker, of Hesston picked me up Friday afternoon and took me to Wichita Clinic in Newton for a checkup. Afterward we ate a late Chinese dinner and went to Hesston to visit. When Douglas got off work he took me home. He did some work here before going home.

Ruby Sharping of Wichita spent the weekend with her mother, Frances Stuchlik and guests, Len and Becky Miller, Kathy Rutka, Jason Rutka, Andrea Miller, and John Miller of Phoenix, Ariz.

Carol Makovec picked up her mother Irma Reznicek on Thursday. They drove to Herington where they attended the cap and gown graduation from preschool at the Herington city building. Madison Heitfield was one of the graduates. They had a little program, train ride, and refreshments. Madison is the grandchild of Carol and great-grandchild of Irma.

Alex and Jean Stuchlik went to the reception Sunday afternoon of Amanda Kleiber at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kleiber after Centre High School graduation. They also attended the reception held in honor of Amy Tajchman, daughter of Charles and Kay Tajchman, Marion, at St. Mark's Activity Center Sunday afternoon in Marion. Amy was one of the graduates of Marion High School.

Junior and Jeanetta Hanschu attended the Centre High School commencement exercises Sunday afternoon. Later they went to Rashelle Jirak's reception held at her folks' home, Steve and Vicki Jirak.

Larry Rudolph was my Saturday noon dinner guest. He checked the electric fence and changed the battery.

Frances Stuchlik and her houseguests drove Sunday afternoon to Towanda to attend the Circle High School commencement exercises. Kenny and Melinda Stuchlik's daughter, Alecia, was one of the graduates. A reception was held at the Stuchlik home.

Ray and Betty Schump of Greeley, Colo., visited Sunday afternoon with Irma and Bob Reznicek.

Len and Becky Miller and family of Phoenix, Ariz., will be visiting her mother, Frances Stuchlik and other relatives until Saturday morning when they will go to Kingman to visit Len's mother for a few days.

Mervin Deines is doctoring a bruise on his left leg. About three weeks ago a calf kicked him when they were working on the cattle. They have all the cattle in the pastures.

When post-Mother's Day was being celebrated at Junior and Jeanetta Hanschus, we left out baby Jaxxon Hanschu, son of Jayson and Jan Hanschu, as one of the guests.
