Peabody municipal court

The following information has been filed in municipal court of the City of Peabody:

Ryan Henderson-Hiebert, juvenile driving a dirt bike without a helmet or eye protection; fine and costs, $744.

Cynthia Wrench, dog running at-large; costs, $72.

Nathan McGee, dog running at-large; fine and costs, $122.

Kristi Silvernale, fireworks violation; fine and costs, $97.

Laura McGee, fireworks violation; paroled on costs of $72, no fine.

Alan Hatton, fireworks violation; fine and costs, $97.

Shawn Rucker, fireworks violation; fine and costs, $97.

Curtis Findley, curfew violation; fine of $72, paroled on costs.

Matt Talkington, two inoperable vehicles; fine and costs, $192.

Charles Scales, speed; fine and costs, $132.

Morales Vasquez, speed; fine and costs, $176.

Amanda Wells, speed; fine and costs, $176.
