Personnel employed at Centre USD #397 years ago


Staff writer

The June meeting Monday of the Centre board of education produced several personnel decisions.

The board accepted the resignation of Marc Grout as high school language arts teacher and head track coach. He was assessed $400 for liquidated damages because his resignation came after the legal date for the notice of intent not to return.

Grout taught at Centre High School for eight years. He is taking a position as assistant principal at Lakewood Middle School in Salina.

The board accepted the resignation of Stan Wiles as assistant high school track coach and approved his employment as head track coach for the 2006-07 school year.

Kelly Steiner was employed as varsity girls' head basketball coach. He was employed earlier as head football coach.

John Keating, an instructor at Cunningham High School, was employed as social science instructor with supplementals as athletic director, assistant football coach, and assistant track coach for the 2006-07 school year, provided he is released from his present teaching contract. Keating has been teaching and coaching for eight or nine years.

The board employed Ashley Mueller as a first grade instructor. She recently graduated from Kansas State University. Her parents are Centre High School graduates. Superintendent Bob Kiblinger said she comes with "tremendous" recommendations.

Ben Brakenhoff was employed as mathematics instructor. He is a 2003 college graduate from Nebraska.

Employed as new classified staff members were Karen Marler, CES teacher's aide, three hours per day at $8.25 per hour, and Jayme Becker, secretary at the 5-12 building, at $8.25 per hour.

The following classified staff members will be returning:

Office — Peggy Falen, board clerk; Dawn Luna, CHS secretary; Francie Mueller, secretary to superintendent/treasurer.

Aides — Janet Rindt, CHS library; Sheri Stahlecker, CES computer/K-4 library.

Custodial — Martin Combs, CHS; Ron Mille, CHS head custodian; Lawrence Rindt, CES.

Food service — Mary Ann Mille, CES head cook; Marge Klenda, CES assistant cook; Inge Nordstrom, CHS head cook; Linay Jones, CHS assistant cook.

Transportation — Steve Smith, director; Elaine Mueller, Donna Southers, Melia Vinduska, Connie Gage, Rose Zinn, Troy Peterson, Sharon Matz, and Rachael Naerebout, drivers.

In other actions, the board:

— authorized membership with the Southeast Kansas Education Service Center for contracted services for a fee of $6,531.25.

— approved out-of-district attendance for Montana Hayes, son of Melanie Jackson. He will be in the 4-Year-Old At Risk program.

— approved a premium payment of $5,406.84 for a standard benefit activities insurance plan for all students, sports and non-sports, including mid-catastrophic and extended catastrophic coverage.

— approved replacement of the heating/AC unit in the high school office by Herington Heating and Air at a cost of $3,376.73.

— approved repairs to the CHS parking lot and CES playground by Clinton Powers for $7,832.20, the money to come from fiscal year 2007 funds.

— approved coverage for workers' compensation for the year beginning July 1, 2006, though Sunflower Insurance Group with Accident Fund Insurance Co. of America at a cost of $17,161.

— appointed Clark Davis as designated representative to Marion County Special Education Cooperative.

— authorized the superintendent and board clerk to make all needed year-end fund transfers, with adjustments to be made in the special education transfer.

Superintendent Kiblinger submitted a "Study Skills and Learning Support Plan" for 2006-07.

It is designed for students in grades 5-12 who need academic assistance as determined by grades and state test scores.

Students who are on the ineligible list will be required to attend a study session after school to make up late work. The session will be held twice a month from 3:30 to 6 p.m.

TEEN director Chris Moddelmog, presented a review of TEEN assessments.

He noted that, because school districts are finding more uses for the Internet, requiring more broadband capacity, fees will rise next school year. Centre's net increase will be approximately $5,700. The 2005-06 fee was $25,000.

Moddelmog will be leaving as TEEN director at the end of June.
