Random Thoughts

I'm beginning to wonder if I am "overly influenced" by the books I read. Usually if they are about real people, I immediately become one of their admirers.

Right now I'm reading "The Faith of Condoleezza Rice," by Leslie Montgomery. My original feeling was that she was some sort of unbelievable genius. Now, I've changed my mind. She is a down-to-earth, hardworking, disciplined person.

She was raised by Christian parents who were very devoted to her having a good education. At first they encouraged her to be a concert pianist. They even got her a $13,000 Steinway piano and paid for lessons. She was very good but her spirit led her down a different path. Somehow she became interested in Russian history and politics.

She came under the influence of Josef Korbel (a teacher from Czechoslovakia. He had fled from Nazis. Another one of his pupils was Madeleine Albright. Remember her? She became secretary of state under Clinton. The two women became acquainted.

Here is a quote from one of Condoleezza's speeches: "It requires examination and objective thought. Optimists move and shape history because those with a vision of a better world have the energy and discipline required to make the vision real . . ." That is the responsibility of educated persons, according to her.

This is the story of a minority person achieving her dreams. You must read it.

Did you read about the woman suing her employer because he allows his employees to wear strong perfume and it affects her breathing? I have noticed it in an enclosed car. Whooie!

