Random Thoughts: Birthdays and books

I have a birthday coming up, which all the world knows since my dear great-granddaughter Jill so beautifully announced it in the Marion County Record. What a lovely tribute and so well written. She can take my place as a writer when I am gone.

Do they still spank people on their birthdays? I remember that was a big deal when I was young. Some people took the occasion to really give you some strong whacks. The last two "one to grow on" and "one to be good on" were really mean.

When I was working in the abstract and title office, the ladies in the register of deeds office and the ladies in our office would often socialize with parties and picnics, especially on birthdays.

One time on my birthday they blind-folded me and took me on a ride. What a sensation that was. I could imagine they were going over hills, bridges, and railroad tracks. I was very disoriented. It was terrible. They finally stopped at Central Park where we enjoyed a picnic. All was forgiven but I don't want to take a ride like that again.

Pat Jackson brought me a library book that she had just read. It was "Russka," by Edward Rutherford, published in 1991. In the first place, it must weigh 10 pounds, but of course Russia is a big country with lots of history so it is no wonder. It is a novel with history background. Really fascinating. Pat has been there and into Mongolia. I saw some of her pictures so she must have enjoyed the "read."

It would be good for all of us to know more about our expanding world.

