Random Thoughts: Curl up with a good book

I have just finished reading, "Can't Wait to Get to Heaven," a novel written by Fannie Flagg. She is the one who wrote, "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café." It was made into a great movie, one of my favorites. This novel I just read is perfect for a hot summer's day, when you just want to stay in your air-conditioned home and curl up with a good book, something that won't tax your brain but still be interesting enough to keep you turning the pages.

I'm not going to tell you any of the plot, you'll just have to read it. Fannie Flagg is an interesting person in herself, attractive, gorgeous red hair, and a great sense of humor.

Anderson Cooper says, "The mark of a good book is it changes every time you read it." He is a bright young man and quite a good reporter on TV.

Take the Bible. People hide notes and prayers between its pages but I'm sure it never expected to contain cocaine hidden there. I read in the paper where a woman did that. She was trying to smuggle it into her husband who was in prison. She was caught and received a jail sentence for that action. Maybe if she had just delivered the Bible, it might have done her husband some real good.

Wonderful to have a little rain — changes all our attitudes to a more positive outlook. Right?

