Random Thoughts: Normal jobs don t bring big money

After perusing the information in the Parade magazine a few Sundays ago I found that if you want to be a millionaire you need to become a popular actor, singer, or a CEO of a large company. Otherwise, you will probably draw a livable income or less. Teachers, clerks, and service people and such jobs don't seem to bring in big incomes. Most of us are happy with a livable income but if we want to be in the millionaire class we need to choose a different kind of work. So if you are really ready to take the plunge in choosing a career, you need to study the prospects. I believe you need some talent to make it in the arts.

My 12-year-old great-granddaughter, daughter of Carolyn Exline, came to interview her elderly great-grandmother for a school assignment. She prepared the questions and they were very good. I think she makes about the fourth or fifth great-grandchild to do an interview with me. So, my history may be all over the place. I wish I could make it more interesting and colorful. Wouldn't it be fun to tell about a weird great-grandmother?

When I was her age all I thought about was clothes (or boys), I think. I was so anxious to grow up and wear a corset and high heels. Oh well, maybe it is the mistakes we make that make life interesting. Will Rogers says everything is funny as long as it isn't you.

