Random Thoughts: Saints now limping out

When the saints come marching in." Crowson the cartoonist for the Wichita Eagle has done some poignant cartoons recalling the hey-day when the plaintive music of the trumpet wafted out the open doors along the French Quarter of New Orleans. There was just something unique about that place and that city.

Now our mental picture will be of many poor people, both black and white, wading in deep water, wandering like lost souls.

We can only sympathize with them and wish we could help. Well, we can, with prayers, money, and supplies or if we are able-bodied we could do actual physical work. I know a young man who is going with his construction company and planning to be there for months helping with the cleanup.

Think of the huge amount of money it will take to replace homes, businesses, bridges, and dams.

I saw big bags of sand being dropped along the coastline to hold back the water.

I'm sure some will blame President Bush, but I feel sorry for him. He has had to deal with 9/11, Iraq, the tsunami, the Atlantic coast, and now this. Do you want to trade places?

A friend of mine thought it would be fitting for me to read "Dinner at Antoine's." I have actually had dinner there and wonder if that will ever happen again. Anything is possible!

