Random Thoughts: What s for supper?

Well, it is Friday afternoon and four o'clock so what do I write? I wish I could think up something shocking, clever, or at least world-shaking. Right now all I can think of is what's for supper.

Ladies, does this happen to you? Maybe bachelors, too? I look in the refrigerator, no help there. Then I look in the cupboard where I keep canned food, nothing appeals. Martha Stewart where are you when I need you?

The trouble with her recipes is that they call for ingredients I have never heard of and they take a long time in preparation. I just read in a magazine that a slice of pizza and a green salad make a good, nutritious meal. I have the greens — but not the pizza. Forget it, I'll come up with something.

Some time ago I read where a woman flying from Singapore to Australia was examined by customs officials. Under a special apron she was carrying 15 plastic water bottles filled with 51 tropical fish. It was against the law to bring in fish that might contaminate the local fish. She was arrested and would be fined and may spend 10 years in jail.

Speaking of fish, my helper and I were cleaning the bowl of my dear little blue tropical fish. I forgot to put special drops of liquid in the fresh water to make it safe for him. In seconds he went to the great fish bowl in the sky. I'm still grieving and can't decide whether to replace him or not. I really do miss him!

