Sassy Senior Moments: Seniors are puzzle fans


Senior center reporter

I have never seen such avid jigsaw puzzle fans as I have this week. The mystery puzzle is finished, but is meaningless because they worked so fast that the mystery story itself is still being read at noon. The clues are in the wastebaskets in the puzzle. I do know who the victims are, but don't know the murderer yet.

We celebrated two birthdays this week. One was Lois Johnson and the other was Mary Hett.

Elsie Reiswig made special placemats for us to use on Father's Day.

We contemplated World Sauntering Day June 19. No one was willing to demonstrate. We decided it was like moseying.

Senior Center Day was June 21. Our original entertainer was to be Eddie Nye, then Bennie Holtsclaw. Each had to cancel. Marilyn Geis led us in singing patriotic songs. Shirley Bowers was the pianist.

I did an exceptional selling job when Wilma Gilmer brought in paper towels she had bought on sale locally. I encouraged everyone to go buy a roll for use as placemats. After lunch I looked up to see Charles Montgomery bringing in a case (30 rolls) of paper towels. We are set for months.

Come join us Friday for card bingo. It's a lively game with prizes for winners. On July 5, Janet Herzet, Marion County Home Care Services director, will present the program after lunch.
