Small claims

The following information has been filed in the small claims division of Marion County District Court:

Larry Oertel, Erin Marie Oertel vs. Andy J. Wray, Lucas L. Mason, plaintiff requested case be dismissed because the claim had been paid in full.

Reliance Energy Partners LLC vs. Shawn L. Strunk, default judgment against defendant for $927.23 plus costs and interest, if applicable.

Reliance Energy Partners LLC vs. Kenny C. Jost, default judgment against defendant for $1,084.12 plus costs and interest, if applicable.

Reliance Energy Partners LLC vs. Tammy Stout, Mark Stout, default judgment against defendants for $1,254.22 plus costs and interest, if applicable.

Reliance Energy Partners LLC vs. David McCorkle, plaintiff requested case be dismissed without prejudice.

G.W. Bean vs. Deann N. Strotkamp, default judgment against defendant for $900 plus costs and interest, if applicable.

Theresa D. Carroll vs. Jenny Herzet, default judgment against defendant for $3,977.82 plus costs and interest, if applicable.

Theresa D. Carroll vs. Jenny Herzet, default judgment against defendant for $875.90 plus costs and interest, if applicable.

Marion Auto Supply, Inc. vs. Jim Padgett, default judgment against defendant for $264.44 plus costs and interest, if applicable.
