Spring CRP maintenance and responsibilities important


Executive Director

Marion County FSA

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contract producers have the responsibility to perform those normal and recurring duties and maintenance activities that are described and recorded in their federal conservation plan of operations. These actions can include timely seeding temporary or permanent cover crops, conducting controlled burns, mowings, and herbicide sprayings. However, these actions must be suspended during the designated wildlife nesting period from May 15 to July 15. Producers should consult their latest annual status review for any specific duties that must be performed.

Trees are prohibited on CRP acreage unless they are part of the conservation plan. Haying, grazing, and harvesting of CRP acres also is not allowed. A managed or permissive haying and grazing activity can be performed on well-established CRP stands if it is approved through a conservation plan modification.

Good CRP maintenance operations achieve not only the suppression of undesirable weed, tree, and brush growth, but improve the establishment and quality of the permanent grass cover practice. Contact should be made with the county extension service or Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) agency offices if you need management assistance or consultation.

Producers also are reminded to be aware of and obey prohibited and restricted use rules as they apply on CRP acreage. Please address and correct potential violation issues on contract acres which could include the following:

— Use as trash disposal areas

— Building or facility construction

— Storage or parking of machinery, junked autos, etc.

— Establishing permanent roads or trails

— Cosmetic or hunting lane mowing

— Installation of oil/gas wells and their associated access roads

FSA county offices shall be conducting their annual inspections of CRP acreages over the course of the year to determine compliance by contract producers with these standards. Any failures to maintain CRP by prescribed plans can create payment reductions or contract termination assessments.
