St. Luke Living Center: Residents welcome Pracht back to the fold


Contributing writers

We were happy to have Dick Pracht back Wednesday morning after being absent for a couple of weeks. He leads a weekly prayer group and likes to include Nancy Tharp, our nursing director, and her beautiful singing voice.

In observance of Flag day, Lynley Remy, Tye and Katie of Burdick helped move the piano into our large dining room. Flags were placed in the hands of the residents and we did our best to pay homage to Old Glory. We pledged our allegiance to the flag, enthusiastically sang several patriotic songs, and enjoyed the Remys singing a round, "America, We Love You So." We refreshed memories concerning the first flag of our new nation and discussed whether Betsy Ross actually made it.

Thursday afternoon was on the verge of being an activity-bust, as Alex Stuchlik had to cancel his appearance to combine wheat. But Shirley Bowers magically appeared and we spent an hour or so picking out favorite hymns and singing them with Shirley at the piano.

While we were busy here, Amelia Vinduska went to the home of her son, Ken and wife Bonnie, where they made rosettes while she "bossed." We were able to sample the little delicacies when she brought a dozen back with her.

A few weeks ago, we began having Catholic communion on Saturday mornings when Madonna Schafers or Pat Smith come and lead a rosary, sing with us, and have a time of prayer. Additionally they bring a Holy Family Parish bulletin for the following Sunday.

Sunday's guest minister was the Rev. Brett Huebner of Our Savior Lutheran Church accompanied by Robert Matz.

To fill another spiritual need at our home, once a month a United Methodist ministers brings communion for interested residents. Pastor Rick Branson was here Monday afternoon to share the sacraments.

One of our long-standing volunteers, Iva Unruh also was here Monday afternoon and the topic this month was aging. She shared poems, questions, sayings, and so forth about the joys of "growing old" and how to avoid it as long as possible. Iva suggested to continue being active and we think she's a wonderful example.
