• Last modified 1306 days ago (Oct. 8, 2020)


October 8, 1880

Several heavy frosts have wilted vegetation.

The streets are daily lined with loads of apples, the choicest ones retailing at one dollar per bushel.

The wind storm that accompanied the heavy rain last Saturday night was quite severe at Hillsboro, and did considerable damage.

Jas. Hinchcliffe commenced laying brick Tuesday on the first brick house in Marion Centre—Dan Lindsey’s residence on the hill.

The copious and seasonable rains have given the wheat, of which there is a large acreage, a fine boom. We feel it in our bones that Kansas will do herself proud next year.

Steiner has moved into his handsome and commodious new quarters in Brewerton’s fine new stone business building. Steiner has an immense stock of goods, and will just spread himself, now.

Mr. Rugg has left with us a beautiful sample of syrup from Light Amber cane, one hundred gallons of which he made in four hours, one day last week. It is remarkably clear and pure, and of most delicious taste.

John Wand is continually improving his handsome residence premises. He has a beautiful home. He has graded his yard finely, and sown it in blue grass, and the late rains have been just the thing to make the seed sprout.

Adv—Iron fencing is made at the Peabody Foundry. Get you a neat and nobbby hitching post at the Peabody Foundry.

Last modified Oct. 8, 2020