Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper:
2:20 a.m. — A 68-year-old man complaining of pain after an amputation was taken by Hillsboro ambulance from Oakwood Manor apartments to Hillsboro Community Hospital.
8:23 a.m. — A faulty fire alarm at a Sunflower Wind Farm building on N. Roosevelt St. in Marion was reset by Marion firefighters.
9:25 a.m. — A 64-year-old man who fell at a duplex on Victory Ln. in Marion was taken to St. Luke Hospital by Marion ambulance.
12:23 p.m. — A 60-year-old woman who passed out at Joel Wiens Stadium in Hillsboro was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance. Hillsboro firefighters helped at the stadium.
1:04 p.m. — A 56-year-old woman drifting in and out of consciousness at a residence in the 100 block of S. State St. in Goessel was taken to NMC Health, formerly Newton Medical Center, by Hillsboro ambulance. Goessel firefighters helped lift the patient. Goessel first responders were paged but did not answer.
2:40 p.m. — Marion ambulance went to HCH initially to help but ended up transferring a patient on an emergency basis to Ascension Via Christi St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. The ambulance returned to Marion at 4:42 p.m.
4:11 p.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance on a non-emergency basis to Wesley Medical Center, Wichita. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 7:57 p.m.
4:50 p.m. — An 89-year-old woman experiencing neck pain and having trouble getting up after recent falls was taken by Marion ambulance to St. Luke from the 100 block of Lombard St. in Lincolnville. Lincolnville first responders were paged but did not answer.
5:39 p.m. — A fire alarm at a residence in the 400 block of Locust St. in Marion was determined by Marion firefighters to have been a false alarm.
9:38 p.m. — A 66-year-old woman suddenly feeling weak after chemotherapy was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to NMC Health from a farmhouse near 100th and Alamo Rds. Goessel first responders were paged but did not answer.
11:27 p.m. — A man who fell at a mobile home in Goessel was helped up by Hillsboro ambulance attendants en route back to Hillsboro. Goessel first responders were paged but did not answer. The patient declined to be taken to a hospital.
3:11 a.m. — A 79-year-old woman needing a ventilation perfusion scan was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to Wesley. The ambulance returned to Marion at 5:51 a.m.
5:44 a.m. — A 68-year-old woman in pain and vomiting after knee surgery a week earlier was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance from a farmhouse near 170th and Holly Rds.
9:05 a.m. — A 57-year-old woman who fell overnight at a home in the 100 block of S. State St. in Goessel was helped up by Hillsboro ambulance attendants and Goessel firefighters but declined to be taken to a hospital.
7 p.m. — An 82-year-old woman with trouble breathing at a residence in Pilsen was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.
9:50 a.m. — The same 82-year-old once again was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.
3:18 p.m. — The same patient then was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from St. Luke to Parkside Homes, Hillsboro.
4:34 p.m. — A 92-year-old woman with cardiac issues was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to NMC Health. The ambulance returned to Marion at 7:30 p.m.
5:05 p.m. — Smoke coming from a ditch along K-15 near 110th Rd. was quickly dealt with by Goessel firefighters, who stomped out 10 feet of smoldering vegetation within 10 minutes.
7:31 p.m. — Natural gas to a meter struck by a vehicle in the 700 block of W. Grand Ave. in Hillsboro was cut off by Hillsboro firefighters until an Atmos Energy crew could repair the damage.
7:32 a.m. — An 86-year-old woman who fell and hit her head at Salem Home in Hillsboro was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.
11:01 a.m. — An unresponsive but breathing 47-year-old man who suffered a seizure and had been involved in an accident the day before declined to be taken to a hospital by Tampa ambulance from a farm near 320th and Remington Rds.
11:05 a.m. — A 79-year-old man, pale and having trouble breathing in a pickup truck outside Town and Country Café in Florence, was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.
5:09 p.m. — An 80-year-old woman wanting to see a physician but unable to get downstairs at a home in the 400 block of S. Coble St. in Marion was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.
7:33 p.m. — A 74-year-old woman who fell and hurt her arm and knee outside Indian Guide Terrace apartments in Peabody declined to be taken to a hospital. Peabody and Hillsboro ambulances initially were dispatched.
8:01 p.m. — A 77-year-old woman who felt dizzy, fell, hit her head, and began responding abnormally at a home on Kruse Dr. at Eastshore was taken to St. Francis by Marion ambulance. The ambulance returned to Marion at 10:52 p.m.
1:16 a.m. — An 82-year-old man with an obstructed bowel was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to McPherson Center for Health. The ambulance returned at 3:05 a.m.
11:26 a.m. — A medical alarm about a fall at a farmhouse near K-15 and 250th Rd. was determined before Hillsboro ambulance arrived to have been accidentally activated.
3:23 p.m. — At a deputy’s request, three people involved in two-vehicle accident on US-50 and Pawnee Rds. were checked by a Peabody ambulance attendant. All declined to be taken to a hospital. Hillsboro ambulance and Peabody firefighters and rescue squad members briefly were dispatched but were told they would not be needed.
9:17 p.m. — A woman whose car hit a deer on US-56 just east of the McPherson County line was checked by Hillsboro ambulance attendants but declined to be taken to a hospital.
9:10 a.m. — A 65-year-old man who fell out of a chair and hit his head at a home in the 400 block of N. Freeborn St. in Marion declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance.
10:43 a.m. — A weak, dehydrated, and anxious 49-year-old woman, sick for a week at a farmhouse near 30th and Zebulon Rds., was checked by Burns first responders and taken by Marion ambulance to St. Luke.
4:23 p.m. — An anemic 49-year-old woman was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to Wesley Woodlawn Hospital, Wichita. The ambulance returned to Marion at 7:11 p.m.
6:57 a.m. — At a law enforcement officer’s request, a man who fled after a high-speed chase that began on US-56, veered through city streets in Hillsboro, and ended in a ditch on Holly Rd. south of 190th Rd. was checked by Hillsboro ambulance attendants after police tracked him down. He declined to be taken to a hospital.
4:14 p.m. — After residents noticed an odor, Marion firefighters shut off natural gas service to a house in the 200 block of S. Coble St. in Marion. Atmos Energy was notified.
Last modified May 16, 2024