• Last modified 168 days ago (May 9, 2024)



These offense reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:



Baker Farms of rural Peabody reported that two bale forks, together valued at $400, were stolen between 8:55 p.m. April 16 and 8:30 a.m. April 17 from a field near 110th and Kanza Rds., according to a report released Thursday.


Drug possession and drunken driving

A 36-year-old Wichita man was arrested Sunday on drug and driving charges after Hillsboro police investigated a report from Harvey County about a silver Cadillac being driven recklessly at 7:20 a.m. on Indigo Rd.

Seven minutes later, according to monitored transmissions, officer John Huebert located a 2007 vehicle matching the description in the 600 block of S. Ash St.

“Be advised this is going to be a game of cat and mouse,” Huebert told dispatchers. “He’s trying to avoid me.”

After noticing the vehicle weave and brake erratically and then park in the 300 block of S. Birch St., Huebert checked the license status of the vehicle’s registered owner and determined the owner did not have a valid license.

The car apparently started up again. Huebert, joined by deputy Bruce Burke, stopped it in the 400 block of S. Main St.

Huebert reported smelling alcohol and seeing an open can of beer. A subsequent search revealed 15 pills that tested as MDMA (Ecstasy), a small bag containing a white powder that tested as cocaine, and green vegetation that tested as marijuana.

Desmond D. Daughity, 36, Wichita, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, possession of cocaine, possession of MDMA, driving without a required anti-drinking ignition interlock, and driving while his license was cancelled, suspended, or revoked.

Daughity was released from jail 12½ hours later after posting a $20,000 bond.

A full report is pending.


Assault, criminal damage, trespassing

No offense report was released, but after two calls Friday to the 700 block of N. Cedar St. about an unwanted visitor and someone trying to break in, police and a sheriff’s deputy found a fleeing suspect in a garage in the 800 block of N. Cedar St.

According to monitored transmissions, interim police chief Zach Hudlin asked at 9:22 a.m. for help from deputy Bruce Burke in removing an unwanted visitor from the Cedar St. address but then told Burke he wouldn’t be needed after the person apparently left.

At 12:53 p.m., Hudlin again called for Burke’s help after the visitor returned and allegedly attempted to break into the house.

Hudlin reported that the visitor fled, shirtless, north on Cedar. The two officers located him at 1:08 p.m. in an outbuilding almost two blocks north of the original location.

Jesse L. Marshall, 44, Wichita, was arrested on suspicion of assault, criminal damage to property, and criminal trespassing. Hudlin said Tuesday that Marshall had broken into the residence and was booked into jail on suspicion of trespassing and breaking into the house. When he was booked into jail, additional charges from another incident were added.

Marshall was held in county jail in lieu of posting a $2,500 bond.

Last modified May 9, 2024